Thursday, February 18, 2010

Problem with bespin locally

So I finished my java and int522 and was wanting to do some work on the bug, but unfortunately when trying to open up a local copy of bespin, the below image is what I saw...
Why? I'm not sure. I followed the instructions on the website to a tee but unfortunately that's how it goes sometimes. It is 4 am right now so unfortunately no one is on IRC to ask but I'm sure the solution is just out of reach. I shall resume my endeavours tomorrow, finally...I've been waiting for the moment to be able to work on this bug but unfortunately sometimes life likes to throw little obstacles at you...well we'll see who'll win this round 'life'.
Quite tired.


  1. I've noticed this problem and so far I have not seen a solution but If you want you can grab an earlier version of the files from me...It works.

  2. Thanks man. Every time I try to download bespin off of your server, it has 65 errors and shows up nothing in the folder I downloaded it to. Odd.

  3. nvm it was just the python division giving me issues. i believe i have overcome it.

  4. Awsome maybe you can help me out and get it set up on my machine because the new clone is breaking for me as well!

  5. Yea, all you have to do is get the firebug add-on for firefox and enable the console. It seems to work after that.
