I have been trying for about a week+ to deploy my java project. I have walked around to numerous computer labs across campus hoping one of them can be set up right, as when I set my own computer to have the jdk as a system variable it does nothing but fail as per the attached pictures. I don't get it?? According to all logic it should be pointing to the JDK at this point, and if not...at least the JDK is being pointed to as an environment variable, yet it still tells me that it can't find the package it needs. I hate it when technical issues halt your performance, in the end making you appear less capable because you can't even set up your computer properly. I have been trying to work this out for so long, have tried everything, have other things I need to be working on but really need to finish this, and for some reason can't because apparently JAVA_HOME isn't pointing to

I hope you can get it done, This is a unsual problem perhaps you can use stack overflow forums??