Thursday, February 11, 2010

Must get working on these bugs

I've been working on this C++ assignment for like a week straight. I worked on it prior, but didn't go hardcore on it until recently. C++ has always been my weakpoint, and I plan on it getting better this semester. There's supposed to be a strike for the colleges, and who knows, maybe that is a hidden blessing. I think I need some more time to review C++, since it was my weakpoint and now we are supposed to do intelligent things with it, I have better brush up on it before it 's too late. I spent so much time on it that I haven't been able to keep up with my project for OSD. I am trying to find the code for this syntax highlighting business now..I didn't want to do it last minute. i don't know why I am so weak with C++, but that needs to change. It took up way too much of my life, time, schedule, and other things I should have been doing. I could have multitasked, and I tried, but everytime I'd go to another task I'd think I had a resolution to the problem I was faced with in my C++ assignment. Definitely need to get to work on to find that code...

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